1. What is the most important issue in City Council District #12 you would address if elected?
The most important issues to me are those that fall under my Economic Development/Community Development Plans. These plans address issues of small business enhancement, job creation, the living wage and workers right's.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
Education (early childhood through college), Mental Health and Family Law, Immigration, Housing (Affordable Housing and NYCHA), Youth Initiatives (Prevention, Intervention and Rehabilitation.), Women's health, Workers Rights, Community Safety (Stop and Frisk), Senior Rights, Foster Care, Kinship(Grandparents raisign children), Taxation, Formerly Incarcerated.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
I am a life long Bronx resident with extensive experience on the Federal level. It is my intention to bring my skills and expertise to the city level. After building a solid reputation of commitment of service to the needs of the residents, I am confident that I will be able to use the linkages established with all levels of government, governmental agencies, non-profits, faith-based organizations, health organizations, women's groups, civic groups, and educational institutions. I am the best candidate because I will bring stakeholders together to ensure that the areas encompassing the 12th Council District receives strong advocacy.
(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)

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