This fall, voters citywide will have the opportunity
to decide on a ballot proposal to change our New York City Charter and on
one New York State ballot proposal. Additionally, voters in the 3rd, 4th,
48th, and 50th Council districts will be electing a City Council member.
This Voter Guide will help you cast an informed vote on November 2, General
Election day.
This Voter Guide contains voting information, Council
district maps, statements and photos submitted by Council candidates, and
information on the ballot proposal mentioned above. It does not include information
on candidates for other offices.
The Voter Guide is published by the nonpartisan New
York City Campaign Finance Board (“CFB”), an independent City agency.
Under the City Charter, the Guide is printed in English and Spanish, and
under Federal voting laws, distributed in Chinese in some districts. Click
here to request a bilingual (English/Spanish) or Chinese Voter Guide.
The CFB also administers the New York City Campaign
Finance Program. The Program reduces the influence of private money on City
campaigns, offers qualified candidates a fair chance to run for office by
providing public matching funds for small contributions, and makes available
detailed information on candidates’ campaign finances. Please see “NYC’s
Campaign Finance Program” for more information.
Informed voters strengthen democracy. We hope that
the 1999 Voter Guide will help you make your choices on election day.
Joseph A. O’Hare, S.J.
New York City Campaign Finance Board
The Voter Guide was prepared by staff of the New York
City Campaign Finance Board: Elizabeth A. Upp and Winnie Ng. The Web Voter
Guide was prepared by staff of the New York City Campaign Finance Board:
Suzanne Kizis, Marc Bratman, Ian Michaels, Ken O’Brien and Elizabeth A. Upp.
The New York City 1999 Voter Guide. Copyright © 1999
by the New York City Campaign Finance Board. All rights reserved. Design
by D-Zine, Inc.
How to turn $10 into $50
When candidates for City office participate
in the voluntary New York City Campaign
Finance Program, the City matches contributions to their
campaigns at a rate of 4-for-1, up to the first $250 given
by any City resident.*
So, when you give $10 to a candidate
who has joined the Campaign Finance Program, your $10 is actually
worth $50, including your $10 contribution plus $40 in public
matching funds. A $50 contribution is worth $250 to a candidate
in the Program; a $100 contribution is worth $500; and a $250
contribution is worth $1,250.
The matching formula makes small campaign
contributions more important, so even a modest contribution
makes a difference. It also lets candidates run competitive
campaigns without spending all their time raising money.
In return for the opportunity to receive
matching funds, candidates in the Program accept contribution
and spending limits, and cannot take corporate contributions.
They also disclose their campaign finances to the Campaign
Finance Board, which
computerizes that information and makes it available to the
public in many ways, including on the Internet.
So get involved in the political process.
Your contribution has never been worth more.
* Candidates must meet a minimum financial
threshold to qualify for matching funds. For more information,
call the Campaign Finance Board at (212) 306-7100. |