Rebecca Lynch (Democratic)

Running as Candidate for
23rd City Council District
Current Occupation
Public Servant
Previous Occupation(s)
Assistant Commissioner for Community Affairs, City of New York
Graduated from Townsend Harris High School in Flushing; M.S. 67 in Little Neck; and P.S. 186 in Bellerose. Received a Bachelors degree in Government from Colby College.
Organizational Affiliations
Former Democratic District Leader; Former Executive Officer of the Eleanor Roosevelt Regular Democratic Club; Former Board Member of the Samuel Field Y in Little Neck and Former Board Member of the Alley Pond Environmental Center
Prior Public Experience
Assistant Commissioner for Community Affairs, City of New York
Website & Social Media
What is the most important issue in Council District 23 you would address if elected?
Quality education for all our children is the cornerstone of our community. As a graduate of District 26 public schools and Townsend Harris High School, I know firsthand the opportunity good public education provides. We have excellent neighborhood schools but not enough to meet our needs. I will work to reduce overcrowding and fight for a new high school for our community.
What other important issues would you address if elected?
As a woman born, raised and rooted in this district, I care deeply about keeping our community affordable for families and seniors, and will always fight back against escalating rents, condo and co-op taxes and water rates. I will be a strong voice for increased funding for essential services at our local community organizations and senior centers.
What makes you the best candidate for this office?
This district needs a strong, effective representative who can deliver for our community. As an Assistant Commissioner for Community Affairs, I worked closely with city agencies to cut red tape and provide services for residents throughout Queens. As an advocate, I worked to advance policies that improve the quality of life for families across the five boroughs. I know what it takes and will work hard to ensure that our community gets the attention and resources it needs to continue to be a great place to work and raise a family.
Other Candidates for CD 23