George Alvarez (Bronx For All)

Running as Candidate for
17th City Council District
Current Occupation
Small business owner
Previous Occupation(s)
Bachelors Degree, Computer Science; Masters Degree, Logistics and Computer Science; Masters Degree, Political Science - Columbia University
Organizational Affiliations
Coalition for a New Future, Child for a Violin
Prior Public Experience
Website & Social Media
What is the most important issue in Council District 17 you would address if elected?
We need to expect more from our leaders. We need more resources coming to our District. The people of this District need a representative who will take their fight to City Hall every day. I will put the Bronx people first and give this district the honest, hard-working and committed leadership it deserves.
What other important issues would you address if elected?
It's wrong that crime is going up in our neighborhoods when it is going down in the rest of City. We must get guns off the street and make our streets and homes safe and secure. It’s wrong that our unemployment is double the national average. We must raise the minimum wage, help small businesses grow and create new jobs and opportunities for the hard-working people of the Bronx. It's wrong that too many of our schools are failing our children. We must improve our Bronx schools for all our children so that every child has the chance to succeed. And we must make after-school programs available for all middle school students. It's wrong that our families are being forced out of their homes by high rents. We must protect and create affordable housing and make sure our senior citizens get the care they deserve. And it's wrong that our voices are not being heard. I will speak out for our Bronx communities and bring the resources here to meet our challenges.
What makes you the best candidate for this office?
As a child of immigrants, a successful small businessman and a community leader, I know firsthand the power of jobs, education and opportunity. I am running for the City Council to knock down barriers, improve the quality of life for Bronx families and to uplift our community so that everybody has the chance to succeed. I'm running to speak out and fight for the people of the Bronx. I know we can meet these tough challenges. I've met tough challenges all my life. And with your help we will build a better future together.
Reprinted as supplied by the candidate. Participating in the Campaign Finance Program.
Other Candidates for CD 17
Bronx Renewal
Strong Together
Bronx Not For Sale
Rebuilding Our BX
Community First