Julio Pabón (Bronx Not For Sale)

Running as Candidate for
17th City Council District
Current Occupation
Founder of LatinoSports.com, Founder of MiCasaTuCasa (Bronx first Bed & Breakfast), and Language Interpreter for Morivivi Language Services, Inc.
Previous Occupation(s)
Director of Latino Affairs for NYC Council President Andrew Stein, Executive Director for Assemblyman Serrano's Constituent Office
New York University, Masters Program in Public Admin '85; Lehman College, BA '75
Organizational Affiliations
Board of Directors Martin Luther King Jr. Health Center, United Bronx Parents, Bronx Museum of Arts, Founder of Herbert Lehman College Latino Alumni Assoc., Founder of LAtino Sports Writers & Broadcasters Assoc., Co-Founder of South Bronx Community Assoc., Co-founder of the South Bronx Congress, Co-Founder National National Puerto Rican Business Council
Prior Public Experience
Website & Social Media
What is the most important issue in Council District 17 you would address if elected?
Affordable Housing is a huge issue for our community and the city for that matter. Homelessness is increasing rapidly. High-rises are going up all over the New York City yet homelessness is rising. We need to re-invest in public housing. We need city-led home ownership programs. We need banks to restructure home loans to prevent and reverse foreclosures. We need to increase opportunities for increasing low-income home ownership.
What other important issues would you address if elected?
We need to raise the minimium wage for all city employees to $15/hour, we need to cap rent increases on small business owners the economic lifeblood of this district, we want free public Wi-Fi for the entire district, we want to open school gymnasiums after hours to promote exercise and healthy lifestyles, we want greater technology access and trainings through expanding the services of our public libraries. A complete list can be found on JulioPabon.com
What makes you the best candidate for this office?
I have lived within this community for the last 50+ years. I walk these streets everyday and know what this community faces everyday. I am not beholden to other elected officials or big business interests. I am here to fight for the community. As a community activist, I have fought for better conditions for over 40 years. I have innovative ideas and policy solutions that can improve the lives of members of this community!
Reprinted as supplied by the candidate. Participating in the Campaign Finance Program.
Other Candidates for CD 17
Bronx For All
Bronx Renewal
Strong Together
Rebuilding Our BX
Community First