Rafael Salamanca, Jr. (Community First)

Running as Candidate for
17th City Council District
Current Occupation
District Manager, Bronx Community Board 2
Previous Occupation(s)
Director, Community Healthcare Network; Assistant Administrator, Urban Health Plan, Inc
Associate Degree, Monroe College; CUNY-Lehman College, no degree
Organizational Affiliations
41st Precinct Community Council, President; Community Healthcare Network, Board Member; Hunts Point Economic Development Corporation, Board Member
Prior Public Experience
Bronx Community Board 2 Member, Chair of the Health and Human Services Committee
Website & Social Media
What is the most important issue in Council District 17 you would address if elected?
Affordable Housing is the most important issue facing families of the 17th Council District. We must make sure that the housing that is built is truly affordable for families that currently live in the district.
What other important issues would you address if elected?
We must bring good jobs that pay a living wage to the Bronx, and we must work to improve our schools so our children get the education they need and deserve. Lastly, we must make sure that our streets are safe and our quality of life continues to improve.
What makes you the best candidate for this office?
I am in the neighborhood working hard every day with local leaders to better our community. By working together we have achieved real victories - like lowering crime by closing down all five topless establishments in Hunts Point and winning a new bus line, the Bx46. Together we can continue to fight and deliver real results for the hardworking families of the Bronx.
Reprinted as supplied by the candidate. Participating in the Campaign Finance Program.
Other Candidates for CD 17
Bronx For All
Bronx Renewal
Strong Together
Bronx Not For Sale
Rebuilding Our BX