1. What is the most important issue in City Council District 31 you would address if elected?
The most important is issue is education. I will fight for smaller class sizes. Education doesn't stop at dismissal; therefore, I will fight for quality after school programs. I will promote internship programs for High School level students. I will fight for summer programs to keep our children engaged and away from negative influences.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
There are still too many residents displaced from their homes following Hurricane Sandy. I will work to expedite the recovery. Many residents complain about the unresponsiveness of the City Council office. As councilwoman, I will ensure that residents' complaints are addressed with courtesy. I will work with the Department of City Planning to ensure that new hotels/motels are not located too close to residential neighborhoods. I will work to improve the cleanliness of commercial strips that border our residential neighborhoods.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
I have the most extensive knowledge and experience in New York City Government by working with two City Council Members and by managing Community Board 8 in Queens. I have an unparalleled working relationship with the New York City Agencies. I understand the City's zoning regulations and the ULURP process. I am innovative - the first District Manager in Community Board 8 to organize an Elder Law Clinic and Annual Health Fairs for the residents that I serve. All these are the right skills set needed to be an effective representative at the New York City Council. Throughout my tenure, I have yet to receive a complaint letter about the services that I provide to the residents that I serve.
(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)

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