1. What is the most important issue in City Council District 31 you would address if elected?
Far Rockaway has been in a state of depression long before Sandy hit us. What have all the politicians representing this area been doing? SHAME ON THEM!
ALLAN JENNINGS is a Strong Independent Leader with A Proven Track Record; Who Will Fight Hard For Us. While some just talk, Allan Jennings will take ACTION!
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
Bring economic development and JOBS to our community. Help small business owners with lower taxes, stop foreclosures and make housing affordable. Focus on education and job training; Improve quality of life and the environment. Create and develop after school programs and support senior programs.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
In these uncertain times, our community deserves a Council Member who has EXPERIENCE. One who knows his way around CIty Hall, one who will be ready from day one to assume the enormous mantle of leadership and responsibility. This person is Allan Jennings. Allan Jennings has a proven history of funding our schools, after school and athletic programs. He held yearly job fairs at York College which resulted in thousands of jobs for our community. He provided $7.5 million dollars for laptop computers for every child in the 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th grades in the district he represented. Allan Jennings took care of seniors by funding senior centers. Finally and most importantly, he has sponsored and passed into law many important bills benefiting our city; such as laws exempting taxes for low income seniors, preventing predatory lending & suspending parking meters on Sunday. Allan Jennings is a tireless worker whose District Office was famous for it's late hours and immediately responding to phone calls. There is only one clear choice for the 31st Council District. The choice is someone who will fight hard for our community. THIS CHOICE IS ALLAN JENNINGS.
(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)

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