1. What is the most important issue in City Council District 31 you would address if elected?
Funding the education of our children is the most important issue I would address if elected to represent this city council district. We must prepare our next generation to carry the baton of leadership from us. For the past 10 years I have worked tirelessly to increase funding for our area schools and fought the mayor on school closures. Annually, I have managed to successfully secure nearly 2,000,000 dollars for the elementary and middle schools in my district and will continue to do so as an elected councilmember.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
Public safety and job creation will be other key issues to address if I am elected. Working to keep guns off our streets is something that I have done by pushing the Queens District Attorney to host Queens first gun buy back program. Through collaboration with local law enforcement and the community, we were able to successfully remove nearly 1000 guns from our streets. Creating jobs locally will also be a focus of my administration. During a time of economic hardship, displacement and uncertainty for many of my constituents, I understand the importance of fighting to ensure local hiring and living wage jobs are accessible to them.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
For the last ten years I have worked in the office of Councilmember James Sanders Jr. As Sanders' Chief-of-Staff, I have worked extensively on behalf of the residents of this district for the development and maintainance of our vibrant community. I have been endorsed by over 50 local organizations including clergy, union, tenant and civic association leaders who share in my vision of continuing to move this community and city forward. During these difficult times we need battled tested leaders in place, who have shown they can win for the community. Just this year, I was successful in shutting down a hot sheet motel a developer wanted to build across the street from Springfield Gardens High School. I was also successful in pushing the Department of Environmental Protection to allocate $70 million to stop flooding in our community and led relief efforts during hurricane Sandy in the Rockaways. I would be truly honored to have the opportunity to continue the work that I started 10 years ago to continue to build Springfield Gardens, Laurelton, Rosedale and the Rockaways.
(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)

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