1. What is the most important issue in City Council District 31 you would address if elected?
Most imperative is the need for multi-purpose community centers to service our Youth, Seniors, and other residents of Jamaica and the Rockaways. We need safe, clean places for District residents to go for after-school and recreational activities, and job-training. These centers will serve as the nucleus of our community, supplying safe environments to keep children productive and out of trouble and providing much needed services for our seniors.
2. What other important issues would you address if elected?
Improving the educational system for our children is a major point of concern for our district. As someone who has two children in the NYC Public School system, you can count on me to address the issues facing students. Additionally, Economic Development and Empowerment are key for the district as unemployment levels and crime have increased.
3. What makes you the best candidate for this office?
My diverse resume which includes leadership roles in professional and civic organizations are major components of what makes me best for this office. Most importantly, I am a product of this District! Having grown up here and operating a business in the district, I understand its needs and challenges. I know and live our issues; I have been in the forefront fighting to make a difference; I represent a brand of leadership with fresh ideas; and I will bring fresh results.
(Reprinted as supplied by the candidate.)

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